Helping Out

Chapter volunteer hours count towards Professional Development units (PDs) for certification or recertification!

Chapter membership is encouraged but not required of volunteers.

To continue to grow and support our members and the Chapter's operations, IIBA Austin needs volunteers! Whether you can give an hour once in a while or want to commit to an ongoing role, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact for more information about any of these roles, or if you have ideas for how else you could contribute.


Help us run Austin Business Analysis Development Day (ATX BADD)

We're looking for volunteers to assist with our biggest event of the year, ATX BADD. This year, we'll run several volunteer committees, and we're looking for:

  • Logistics
    • Communicate with conference center staff on headcount, logistics needs, and menu planning.
    • This role may recruit an additional volunteer, if needed.
  • Herd volunteers
    • Recruit and communicate with event ambassadors.
    • Recruit and coordinate day-of-event volunteers (registration table, room monitors, greeters).
  • One chapter member to serve on a Speakers committee to help select the speakers for 2020 ATX BADD

Help us behind the scenes


Administrative Help

  • Note-taking at monthly Board meetings (1-2 hours a month).

Website Content Admin

This is one of the most public-facing tasks we have. This takes about an hour a month or could be more if you and the Marketing VP wish to make extensive changes. The work is straightforward, and we need a detailed-oriented person to handle this.

  • Create monthly event pages for our Chapter website and Meetup
  • Setup meeting registration in Constant Contact
  • Create/maintain pages for our annual conference, the Austn Business Analysis Development Day (ATX BADD)
  • Maintain changes to our Chapter website, including sponsorship logos and links throughout the site

Help spread the word



  • Help promote the Chapter and ATX BADD at your company and/or on social media. Our VP of Marketing will provide guidance on initiatives and events for promotion.

Find speakers

  • Help us identify speakers with topics our members will find valuable.

Learn How You Can Help

Contact if you're interested in these or any other volunteer positions!